Monday, January 12, 2009

When He calls.........a trip 2 Gangasagar Mela

Yesterday,i.e., 11th jan was one of my most memorable day in my life...i went somwhere, i saw somthing, i enjoyed somthing dat i otherwise could have never felt...all thanx 2 my lil sis Reema...nd Shekhar Kaku.....i mean without him..da trip could hav never been posiible so smooth nd comfrtbl....u guys must b thinking what am talkin abt 4 so was da trip 2 GANGASAGAR MELA...well many of u must not be knowin abt it....its a traditional fair dat happens in west bengal...where ppl from different states in India as well as Foreighn country arrives...its close to a beach where ganges and Indian Ocean had fallen into each other to create a devotional place....bathing in dis sea is considered as somethin ritual which if commented will reawrd u a 'trip 2 Heaven'.....well quite weird 2 hear 2 some...butr dats what lakhs of ppl or devotees think.....
Well we had no thoughts abt Heaven or Hell..all we know was that, it was something fascinating to be watched......da program was sudden, but it made memories for ages.....when i was sinking in da ocean of books...dis small trip gave me a devotional breathe.....
Our journey started wid a early morning trip 2 Diamond Harbr.....4m dere we took large vessels or small ships..dat took us across ganga toward da mela...4m dere it was again a 35km journey 2 da actual place...ppl hav 2 walk dat distance 2 go dere..but bcoz we were under private attendance we had cars avail....but on da way it was breathe-taking 2 c aged coupl nd evn forgnrs walkin all da way 2 da Mela....da only availabl transport dere s van-rickshaw...its a core-village area.....we reache our private bunglow at abt 11am...took some rest nd walked 2 da mela whch was close by.....deres a mandir of Saint Kapil Mani...He was someone who once attended Sri Ram, Sita nd Lakshman on their way to is said dat if u pray 2 Him...he will bless u....
So accordingly we worshipped Him...nd den proceeded toward da beach which was alrdy filled up wid ppl bathing on their cause...yesterdy was still less crowded...4m 2day onwrds..its gonnna b more crowded nd intersting thing worth wathchin there was 'nagmunis'...naked sadhus who had brushed their body wid dust, sitting on places nd reading ppl's fortune...althgh naked, they had wathches n hand..Modern Sadhus u c.....dey r sais 2 hav com down 4m da Himalayas....all fakes.....
We went bak 2 bunglow, had lunch...nd started way home...but dat was nt all...there were loads 2 b Hoglas..or small tents were da devotees puts up...dey cooks dere nd remains till da fair gets ovr...every1 had deir own reason 2 com dere...but it was somthn worth 2 b watchd......i dont know how much good luks i hav earned 4m dere..but all i know dat if i wld hav not gone dere, i wld have surely missed da pleasure .....
In bengali it is said" Shob Tirtha Barbar( all place of devotions may be visited no. of time), Kintu Gangasagar Mela Ekbar (but trip 2 gangasagar mela will be possibl only once)"....thankfully..i had my part..da rest is left to Him......

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Woman's priority- marriage or education

A strange felling or thought, blocked my mind da whole i was surfing through my orkut account... i found dat some of my friends are married nd already nurturing kids..i mean dat its not dat i have been unknwn of their married life..but it made me feel strange nd realise..dat n da 21st century..when genX is trying to concentrate on making better nd advanced-educated identity...people among us are still dere who finds marriage a bettr optiion 2 get settled dan others...i mean...i know dat marriage is an important rule of life..which if violated may cause problem....but isn't it too early 2 settled at da mere age of 19-20....i dont want 2 interfere in their personal..but "to think is of no harm"...

As i was thinking about all dese..some more thghts came across my, wht next after M.A....which industry will emply me..if not...den, do i also have 2 be blocked within da four-walled to suffer a 'happy-married life'..dats not me..its not 4 dat am studying so much...wasting my time nd talent just 2 be binded????????????nd if so...wht will occupy me den??? with what will i be able 2 busy myself??????? distracted nd disheartened..i asked my mom abt da above..wht she answered made me c my problems through apositive direction...its true..when u r dedicated 2 something.. whthr work or matter wht??u giv ur 100% to it..nd dere will be some reward 4 it...probably, my friends, who r married..found their dedication in marriage...nd my dediaction still lies among my books nd building-career....probably they r educated in their own way...aftr all better home-making is the ultimate achievment in everyones life....i wish all da best 2 all my friends for a better future nd family..i nevr meant to hurt any under-aged wife's feelings...coz i was not aware of the fact..i kept on disturbing my own foolish-little-brain...thanx to my mom..who althgh less-educated..but is da ultimate "MAN OF THE FAMILY"...cheers 2 Womanhood

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why so?????i dont know...

At feels really strange when you are crowded among people known, yet one feels, why so lonely????? Dats what xactly happens to me day kicked off wid a usual 7a.m. alarm which i re-alarmed it for 8, to get some more sleep....Books r da first thing dat i see in da morning...forwarded wid breakfast, lunch nd a lonely way 2 my classes at 5pm, coz my fellow mate didnt wish 4 a go...sitting in da bus all alone made me feel sick nd tired..passengers were there around single or coupled, but i felt J, coz dey were ocuupied wid something or da other whereas i was remembrence, no thoughts, nothing..da day felt dull 4 me wid no memories 2 re-think..why so, i didnt know....2 occupy myself or as confessed, to hide my loneliness..da only thing i found wid me was da ear-phone for my cell which i had brought wid me considering as a time-pass..da music was playing, RJs were speaking, yet i couldnt hear dem..why so????i didnt know....da walk across da Durgapur bridge to my classes was as boring as da bus-drive..i small my pocket tempt 2 cheer me up...but it was eaten without any satisfaction..why so???? i didnt know....
Probably 2day my sir also seemed like a devil 2 me, coz he left no way out 4m making me more bored nd lonely..da chair beaside me, dat of my friend, felt empty nd deserted...probably if occupied...i had a chance 2 cheer up.....but da day was already planned hard for me..why so?????i didnt know.....back home walking down da Durgapur bridge...taking an auto...nd den walk in my room....dunno why..everything seemed careless nd i sit here in front of my pc at 9pm in da eve...i still dunno wht 2 do or wht sense it makes 4m wht i had it gonna help you 2 know how 2 cheer me up, or is dis da only way 2 split out da loneliness out of my heart..why so???????i dont know....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

XAMS OR MARRIAGE.....Which is Important??????

It sometimes feels really strange when u r loaded wid stuffs to be done..but u find nowhere 2 escape from da burden..well u must b wonderin, what made me said dese..well xam phobias sometime do makes you feel giddy, irritated, unbalanced nd 1st sem xams r knockn at my door...4th feb s da D-Day..i dunno wht 2 do..or wht 2 study...2hrs wid books made me feel dat i hav been sittin wid it ages...why dis it bcoz am nt preapred..or coz am not confident abt what i read?????????? No idea, no clue, no was my decission nd it gt 2 b me 2 da finish...

One thing dat is really cheerin me up is my brother's upcomin marriage...dat is somthing am lookin 4wrd more dan my damn xams....probably dats blockin my mind from da books..but dis cant b helpd....i knw it sounds weird dat wid my upcomin xams how da hell i can go gaga abt da marriage..well dats wht we call "Human Psychology" dat is less important bcoms priority of life at times..dats wht xacly happening wid me at dis time..."i think i'll complete da chapter bt den da red salwar dat i got 4 myself is gonna kill every1's eye on da marriage day"...."Indian Penal Code had gt something 2 do wid dat Case den, which jeans will match my jacket more 4 da reception"..oh god!!! dis kills man..why da hell cant i concentrate on wht am suppose i need 2 reconsider dose chapters b4 i go on a further deatailin abt my get-ups 4 da functions???????????????

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Pride of India....INDIAN ARMY

Indian Army has served the nation with honour and glory, defending its borders in times of peril. Soldiers have also come to help their countrymen in times of natural calamites. This has created a bond between Indians and their army that is unparalleled...The Indian Army is the land force of the Armed Forces of India and has the prime responsibility of conducting land-based warfare. The Indian Army maintains the 3rd largest active force in the world. It has the primary responsibility of maintaining the peace and security of the country, patrolling the borders and conducting counter terrorist operations. It also conducts rescue and humanitarian operations during calamities and disturbances,and has frequently been called upon to maintain the internal security of the country...THE INDIAN ARMY.........ITS A PASSION FOR LIFE...........ITS A RELIGION.........WITH NO FANATICS.......SO JOIN THE INDIAN ARMY......OR PLEASE PAY HOMAGE FOR THE GR8 SOLDIERS OF OUR COUNTRY WHO ARE MAKING YOUR SLEEP A SOUND ONE!!!!!!!

Keep Humming...

Music speaks what cannot be expressed , soothes the mind and gives it rest , heals the heart and makes it whole , flows from heaven to the soul !!! Music is food for the soul – a panacea for the mind. Music can help in improving memory. Kids can rattle off the entire alphabet range in song but are unable to remember the orders sans the tune. This happens because music functions are controlled in a different section of the brain than speech. Music continues to touch hearts the world over, irrespective of color and race.Rock MusicRock music saw its origins in the rock ‘n’ roll era of the fifties. Rock music was initially seen as dance music and gradually began to dominate the music scene for a long time to come. Rock music survived the various stages of recording technology from 78 –rpm to tape format to cassette and the mini disc. Rock music has been primarily popular with the teenage audience. A rock music disc is still a collector’s item even today

Its time for Real Warning...Global Warming

Global warming is real; the risks it poses are real; and people have a right to know it and a responsibility to do something about it. The sooner we understand, the sooner we can protect our planet f... Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.Scientific observation has shown that the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is warming. This warming is just one one of many kinds of climatic change that have occurred in the past and will continue... Today the Global Concern is Global Warming with incidents like rising sea levels to depletion of Ozone Layer .. letz Discuss About the possible solutions at grass root levels.