Thursday, January 8, 2009

Woman's priority- marriage or education

A strange felling or thought, blocked my mind da whole i was surfing through my orkut account... i found dat some of my friends are married nd already nurturing kids..i mean dat its not dat i have been unknwn of their married life..but it made me feel strange nd realise..dat n da 21st century..when genX is trying to concentrate on making better nd advanced-educated identity...people among us are still dere who finds marriage a bettr optiion 2 get settled dan others...i mean...i know dat marriage is an important rule of life..which if violated may cause problem....but isn't it too early 2 settled at da mere age of 19-20....i dont want 2 interfere in their personal..but "to think is of no harm"...

As i was thinking about all dese..some more thghts came across my, wht next after M.A....which industry will emply me..if not...den, do i also have 2 be blocked within da four-walled to suffer a 'happy-married life'..dats not me..its not 4 dat am studying so much...wasting my time nd talent just 2 be binded????????????nd if so...wht will occupy me den??? with what will i be able 2 busy myself??????? distracted nd disheartened..i asked my mom abt da above..wht she answered made me c my problems through apositive direction...its true..when u r dedicated 2 something.. whthr work or matter wht??u giv ur 100% to it..nd dere will be some reward 4 it...probably, my friends, who r married..found their dedication in marriage...nd my dediaction still lies among my books nd building-career....probably they r educated in their own way...aftr all better home-making is the ultimate achievment in everyones life....i wish all da best 2 all my friends for a better future nd family..i nevr meant to hurt any under-aged wife's feelings...coz i was not aware of the fact..i kept on disturbing my own foolish-little-brain...thanx to my mom..who althgh less-educated..but is da ultimate "MAN OF THE FAMILY"...cheers 2 Womanhood

1 comment:

Ira said...

hey rima...
u knw wat ur mumsaid was rite...evry one...u and me included have their callin som whr or the u n me it mite b a pg degree(M.A. fr u and an mba fr me) bt fr sum ppl it is family....our experinces and the entire process of socialisation that we go thru defines these areas...the ultimate goal of all human endevour is finding happiness and satisfaction aftr all...right???? so it is better that we believe in a tip my mom gave me once in a similar srt of each, his own