Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why so?????i dont know...

At feels really strange when you are crowded among people known, yet one feels, why so lonely????? Dats what xactly happens to me day kicked off wid a usual 7a.m. alarm which i re-alarmed it for 8, to get some more sleep....Books r da first thing dat i see in da morning...forwarded wid breakfast, lunch nd a lonely way 2 my classes at 5pm, coz my fellow mate didnt wish 4 a go...sitting in da bus all alone made me feel sick nd tired..passengers were there around single or coupled, but i felt J, coz dey were ocuupied wid something or da other whereas i was remembrence, no thoughts, nothing..da day felt dull 4 me wid no memories 2 re-think..why so, i didnt know....2 occupy myself or as confessed, to hide my loneliness..da only thing i found wid me was da ear-phone for my cell which i had brought wid me considering as a time-pass..da music was playing, RJs were speaking, yet i couldnt hear dem..why so????i didnt know....da walk across da Durgapur bridge to my classes was as boring as da bus-drive..i small my pocket tempt 2 cheer me up...but it was eaten without any satisfaction..why so???? i didnt know....
Probably 2day my sir also seemed like a devil 2 me, coz he left no way out 4m making me more bored nd lonely..da chair beaside me, dat of my friend, felt empty nd deserted...probably if occupied...i had a chance 2 cheer up.....but da day was already planned hard for me..why so?????i didnt know.....back home walking down da Durgapur bridge...taking an auto...nd den walk in my room....dunno why..everything seemed careless nd i sit here in front of my pc at 9pm in da eve...i still dunno wht 2 do or wht sense it makes 4m wht i had it gonna help you 2 know how 2 cheer me up, or is dis da only way 2 split out da loneliness out of my heart..why so???????i dont know....

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