Monday, January 12, 2009

When He calls.........a trip 2 Gangasagar Mela

Yesterday,i.e., 11th jan was one of my most memorable day in my life...i went somwhere, i saw somthing, i enjoyed somthing dat i otherwise could have never felt...all thanx 2 my lil sis Reema...nd Shekhar Kaku.....i mean without him..da trip could hav never been posiible so smooth nd comfrtbl....u guys must b thinking what am talkin abt 4 so was da trip 2 GANGASAGAR MELA...well many of u must not be knowin abt it....its a traditional fair dat happens in west bengal...where ppl from different states in India as well as Foreighn country arrives...its close to a beach where ganges and Indian Ocean had fallen into each other to create a devotional place....bathing in dis sea is considered as somethin ritual which if commented will reawrd u a 'trip 2 Heaven'.....well quite weird 2 hear 2 some...butr dats what lakhs of ppl or devotees think.....
Well we had no thoughts abt Heaven or Hell..all we know was that, it was something fascinating to be watched......da program was sudden, but it made memories for ages.....when i was sinking in da ocean of books...dis small trip gave me a devotional breathe.....
Our journey started wid a early morning trip 2 Diamond Harbr.....4m dere we took large vessels or small ships..dat took us across ganga toward da mela...4m dere it was again a 35km journey 2 da actual place...ppl hav 2 walk dat distance 2 go dere..but bcoz we were under private attendance we had cars avail....but on da way it was breathe-taking 2 c aged coupl nd evn forgnrs walkin all da way 2 da Mela....da only availabl transport dere s van-rickshaw...its a core-village area.....we reache our private bunglow at abt 11am...took some rest nd walked 2 da mela whch was close by.....deres a mandir of Saint Kapil Mani...He was someone who once attended Sri Ram, Sita nd Lakshman on their way to is said dat if u pray 2 Him...he will bless u....
So accordingly we worshipped Him...nd den proceeded toward da beach which was alrdy filled up wid ppl bathing on their cause...yesterdy was still less crowded...4m 2day onwrds..its gonnna b more crowded nd intersting thing worth wathchin there was 'nagmunis'...naked sadhus who had brushed their body wid dust, sitting on places nd reading ppl's fortune...althgh naked, they had wathches n hand..Modern Sadhus u c.....dey r sais 2 hav com down 4m da Himalayas....all fakes.....
We went bak 2 bunglow, had lunch...nd started way home...but dat was nt all...there were loads 2 b Hoglas..or small tents were da devotees puts up...dey cooks dere nd remains till da fair gets ovr...every1 had deir own reason 2 com dere...but it was somthn worth 2 b watchd......i dont know how much good luks i hav earned 4m dere..but all i know dat if i wld hav not gone dere, i wld have surely missed da pleasure .....
In bengali it is said" Shob Tirtha Barbar( all place of devotions may be visited no. of time), Kintu Gangasagar Mela Ekbar (but trip 2 gangasagar mela will be possibl only once)"....thankfully..i had my part..da rest is left to Him......


Amritorupa Kanjilal said...

your description of Sagar was lovely :) i really liked this blog. Hope to read more from you soon :)

Ira said...

hey rima...
why havent u updatd d blog????? m waitin fr new posts frm u....